Fussy Baby?
Colicky Baby?
Problems Sleeping?
You've Tried Everything?
Learn to Use Your Loving Touch to Soothe, Calm and Comfort:
Learn effective techniques that will use your loving touch to:
• help calm your baby
• promote more peaceful sleep
• relieve gas and colic
In individualized, private sessions you will be gently guided to learn not only the special techniques that will help your baby feel better, but also how to better read and understand your baby's unique cues and rhythms of engagement.
The Power of Your Loving Touch
In our busy culture, we've lost touch with the critical importance of the touch that helps our babies grow and develop.
Infant massage is a family tradition that has been used by mothers and grandmothers around the world for centuries. Modern medical science is now understanding just how important this special touch is and how it helps babies to grow not only physically, but also helps emotional, behavioral and social growth.
This special time with your baby brings together all of the critical elements of bonding and attachment including:
• eye-to-eye and skin-to-skin contact
• cuddling
• soothing sounds
• smiling and tender moments
Babies go through an amazing number of adjustments within the first year of their lives. Taking a few moments to enjoy a massage with your baby is a special way to help them, and
the two of you to grow and flourish together.
"Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant. Food as necessary as minerals, vitamins and proteins."
- Dr. Frederick Leboyer